Corona care
With all the COVID-19 awareness dividing our country, we wanted to focus on certain important aspects. Our economy needs time to heal and restore and unfortunately “back to normal” is a luxury not all industries are granted. As one of the only national sales houses, we are strong believers in heroes: big and small ones! We believe the Belgian media needs to support each other and show solidarity. We’re in this crisis together, so we need to help each other out. Our Belgian touristic industry was knocked out pretty hard and has suffered enormously. This is why we created the #VisitBelgium commercial break.
We announced this creative format on our National Holiday – July 21st. Launching on August 1st, we planned premium blocks on all of our Belgian channels (North and South!) to favor our Belgian tourism. We invited brands to carry out an act of kindness during these weird and uncertain times, to protect and support our Belgian touristic industry. We wanted to focus on local and regional tourism, that can use every bit of support during COVID-period. In collaboration with valuable advertisers who agreed to fund the breaks, we wanted to highlight all the beauty that our own country has to offer.