Michel Dupont
- Is a gadget freak and has single handedly chipped his own PS5
- Also single handedly chipped his electric bike en then unchipped it again
- Dares to watch Golf for five hours straight on television
- Has a (right) hip of a 70 year old man.
- Watches 'Blokken' from time to time with his son. Ben Crabbe is like Star Trek... guilty pleasure !

Gauthier Piret
- Goes to a different skate park every weekend with his son
- Likes to take morning walks with Lucie, his cocker-spaniel, when everyone else is still asleep
- Has his own half-pipe to show-off some tricks
- Likes to listen to rap but mostly country music

Stefan Hougaerts
- Has his own content creation company: Tony Ten Fingers
- Would like to be better at playing the guitar. Proudly plays 4 chords over and over again
- Hugely into stand-up comedy! Will ask you randomly "So, who's your favorite comedian?"
- Would die to meet Quentin Tarantino. Anyone his number by any chance?
- Has a few TikTok-dances recorded.... will not share!

Timo Haesaerts
- Can put his right foot on his neck
- Started 7 years ago at Transfer as an intern
- Wants to live and work in America in the future
- Drinks hardly ever just one...
- Has a ginger cat called Nelson and is the absolute love of his life

Mark Pauwels
- Movie and binge-worthy series alert!
- Hates mushrooms with a passion!!!!!
- Is a legit "Smokey Whiskey" & pure chocolate lover
- Partied at the infamous Zillion when he was 18
- Survived an earthquake of 8.8 in Chili (2010)

Maxim Dockx
- Has two super green thumbs, since he spends hours in the garden
- Has broken something in his body five times but is still alive and kicking... He thinks?
- Is the grandson of an ex-Red Devil soccer player in the 70's
- Has won a trip thanks to a TV-show for his parents to go to the Domincan Republic

Pascal Dubois
- Knows the ways on the Spanish island Ibiza better than his own residence
- Goes completely loco to Soul and Disco
- Enjoys a good beach walk or a day wellness in his free time
- Is crazy into his two cats Micky and Luna
- Would love to start up an animal shelter in Spain

Sam De Clerck
- Goes on a trip with the motto: 'the more unknown the country, the better'
- Wants to travel every single country in his lifetime... Current status: 60 done so far!
- Is modestly attempting at learning Arabic
- Loves to go out and have a couple of drinks: one, two, three, fifteen?
- Appreciates taking a quiz so now and then... Even more when he wins!

Simon Mollen
- Candy over chips, all day every day!
- Rows in a pumpkin over a lake once every year. This is true!
- Knows a lot about music but doesn't know how to play an instrument
- Has only one type of clothing in his closet: Flannel shirts forever!

Jordy Mermans
- Tries to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but always ruins it during the weekends
- Has a tech gadget & kitchen machine for everything (just in case, you know)
- Listens to lyrics in songs and not just the melody
- Adores the movie 'Brother Bear'
- Is pretty annoyed by the fact that he never seems to find the perfect avocado at the grocery store #FirstWorldProblems

Thibault Mortier
- Thibault-Alexandre is his full first name, yet prefers just Thibault
- UGC regular: one of the perks of the job!
- Transfer's unofficial snackmaster
- Made a thesis about memes
- Proud season ticket holder of RAFC

Yarno Temmerman
- Likes nothing more than a good gaming evening with the friends
- Often shoots video content at the gym for his girlfriend
- One of the few people on the planet that likes rain and thunder: his personal ASMR
- Has been the youngest at Transfer for a looooooong time